Rotating Aria Suite Local Account Passwords Using API’s & PowerShell

Password management is a critical aspect of maintaining a secure and efficient IT infrastructure. The Aria Suite is no exception and password rotation is necessary as part of …

Importing Aria Products into Aria Suite Lifecycle Manager

I recently began exploring the process for bringing standalone Aria products, such as Aria Operations or Aria Operations for Logs, into Aria Suite Lifecycle Manager. I knew there …

New Year, New Certifications

December is normally a quieter time at work with customers change freezes kicking in and I like to use this time to get in the training I don’t find time to do the rest of …

Visualising Aria Operations for Logs Data in Aria Operations

Its been a weird couple of years since I joined VMware. I have taken a step back from hands on, but with working with customers from such a diverse background I have had access to …

Upgrading VMTools with PowerCLI

I recently got asked if it is possible to upgrade the VMTools on a VM at the VM level and target a group of them, but not at a host or cluster level. The answer is yes. There are …

VCF - Exploring Your Operational Toolbox - VMUG UK UserCon 2023

This last week I had the opportunity to present a session at the VMUG UK UserCon with friend and colleague, James T. The session built on a previous session we did, diving deeper …

Exporting Aria Operations Content via the API and PowerShell

I recently spent some time creating custom dashboards in Aria Operations and realised very quickly that I would not want to lose them! So I looked at exporting the content using …

Upgrading VMware Cloud Foundation 4.5 to 4.5.1

For anyone looking to begin an upgrade or process that they have never done before, it can be daunting. Being able to see the process before attempting it can give you some level …

Changing the vSAN Storage Policy for a VM using PowerCLI

I recently had a query regarding changing the storage policy on a significant number of virtual machines using PowerCLI. Here is a quick script that can be leveraged to do this: In …